Sunday, August 26, 2007

Forward to the St. John's Bridge Series

This is Edie and Al(?). They walk across the St. John's Bridge on a regular basis. Edie was very friendly and asked that I take thier picture. Their favorite thing about crossing the St. John's Bridge is when the big trucks go by. "Al has to hold on to his hat when that happens," Edie informed me.

Walking across the bridge was at times nerve wracking for me. It is really high up! The side walk is about three and a half feet wide and the trucks go by at 35mph at least. Not all, but certain sections of the bridge will wobble slightly when the trucks go by.

I was really cautious when taking the downwards photos, often leaning over the rail.

All in all, it was an experience, and hopefully these photos will be an experince for you as well.